Market Analysis & Insights

How do you use insights to strengthen your brand position? It’s one thing to gather data; it’s another to distil it into strategy. That’s why we integrate analysis and testing as a natural part of our brand-building efforts. From thorough market analysis to scenario testing to brand perception and performance, we help you turn insights into a competitive edge.

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market analysis & insights

Data-driven brand building

In today’s data saturation era, the real skill lies in making connections between analytics and outcomes.  The relevance of data and insights is particularly strong in two arenas of brand-building: when creating or rejuvenating and when monitoring its market journey and performance. It’s about using the power of both qualitative and quantitative analysis — from customer conversations and basic industry research to broader surveys and scenario-testing — to shape brand traits and positions grounded in the reality of your market.

Regardless of methods and tools, the objective should always be to transform diverse data points into useful insights and concrete actions. It all starts with a structured analytical approach tailored to your brand-building goals.

What we do

Customer & market studies

We distill insights from research, interviews, surveys and online listening tools to help you understand and engage with your market and customer groups effectively.

Competitor intelligence

Our deep dives into competitor landscapes arm you with the insights to develop a distinct market position, giving you the know-how to navigate and lead.

Market segmentation & targeting

We sharpen your focus by identifying and mapping core target groups, how to engage them through tailored messaging and how to reach them efficiently across channels.

Brand performance measurement

With tracking formats spanning from one-off brand surveys to yearly brand trackers, we measure your brand’s pulse, providing clarity on performance and guiding informed decisions to strenthen your market strategy.

Digital & media performance

From SEO analysis to social listening, we equip you with an assessment overview and tactical recommendations across channels and touchpoints to amplify your brand’s digital narrative and engagement.

How we work

Rigorous analysis, creative testing

Refined over the years, we’ve defined a process and methodology for analysis and testing in two main areas of brand-building:

Analysing the market and the brand

We start by amalgamating data – from desk research and qualitative interviews to listening studies and digital search behaviour – to form a crystal clear picture of your brand, your market, your customers and your competitors before diving into creative development.

Testing creative prototypes

Prototyping is crucial, as it forces us out of the echo chamber. After developing multiple prototypes of a potential creative solution – whether it’s for overall positioning, communication concepts or product concepts – we test them on both internal and external stakeholders of varying scale, ensuring that the final outcome not only resonates creatively but is grounded in data-driven insights.

Get 28 cases on positioning, sustainability,
digital and product 

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