Driving energy efficiency to top of mind
Danfoss needed to drive awareness for energy efficiency to keep climate targets within reach during a pandemic and disruptions – positioning themselves as a technology leader in the green transformation. After several co-creation rounds spanning key decision-makers, we created a core narrative and format “The green re-start series” to stand out and leverage the brand position: “Engineering Tomorrow”.
How it began
Inspired by the values in ‘Engineering Tomorrow’
In 2014 Danfoss established their brand platform “Engineering Tomorrow” which built a position around technologies that enable the world to do more with less. Fast forward to 2020, in the face of a global pandemic, they needed to show how these values were even more relevant than ever.
The task was to drive awareness during the pandemic of energy efficiency in reaching climate targets using solutions already available today with short payback times – The Green Restart. But one of the main requirements to achieving this goal was for the world to believe in the climate and economic benefits of energy efficiency – and to let Danfoss show the way.
Developing the solution
A relevant brand position and format
We wanted to strike a chord with politicians and business leaders alike by simply championing energy efficiency to pave the way for a greener future and a green restart of the economy. So, we created a central content hub with multiple assets around the Green Restart theme, including episodic narrative films, cases, a white paper, and an interview with Danfoss’ CEO Kim Fausing where he discusses how to put the Green Restart into practice. The campaign was a great success, attracting 81% more video views and over 160% more engagement than expected.
The outcome
Maintaining focus on energy efficiency at COP26
In 2021, the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow represented a unique opportunity to further close in on key policy and decision makers regarding energy efficiency messaging. Through intelligent digital media-buying tactics, we launched a campaign which generated three times more reach on social media channels, and almost five times more impressions than expected despite the intense media landscape surround COP26, along with the awareness among hundreds of thousands of Financial Times readers.
Danfoss’ CEO Kim Fausing was put front and centre on social media channels, supported by print ads in the global edition of the Financial Times, and at COP26 as the champion of energy efficiency.
Our media teams also secured a 4-page wrap-around in the local edition of the Financial Times that was placed in all the hotels in and around Glasgow, where our hard-to-reach target group were staying. So, over their morning coffee they couldn’t help but read about the importance of energy efficiency in the fight against climate change.
About Danfoss
Danfoss is a global leader in energy-efficient solutions within mobile hydraulics, heating and cooling, and variable frequency drives to control motors and power conversions, employing over 40,000 people in over 100 countries.
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Søren Poulsen
Senior Partner