Spar Nord Fonden

Communities that can be felt

Spar Nord Fonden steps forward

Spar Nord Fonden wanted to develop a new brand and communication platform to express the values and objectives that underline the foundation’s donation policy, thereby creating the basis for a more independent identity that still embraces the relationship with Spar Nord Bank, of which the foundation owns a large part.

How it began

A purpose driven brand that stays relevant

Every year, Spar Nord Fonden donates a large double-digit million sum to a wide range of large and small beneficiaries within culture, social initiatives, and leisure.

Spar Nord Fonden wanted to strengthen the communication of this story and contacted Kunde & Co for help to develop a new  brand platform and brand identity that gave the foundation a more independent identity while signalling the family relationship with Spar Nord Bank.

Developing the solution

New clear brand identity

To ensure that all relevant stakeholders could recognize themselves in the new brand identity and brand narrative, we organized a process in which all important stakeholders participated throughout the development work and had the opportunity to provide input and feedback to the presentations.

Although the fund’s new identity had to differentiate itself clearly from the bank’s, there still had to be a clear connection. Graphically, this was solved by using the guiding star and the circle shape in a new way in Spar Nord Fonden’s new logo. The circular shape is also used as a graphic element in the visual identity.

The new brand narrative, together with the concept ‘Communities that can be felt’, reflects the Spar Nord Foundation’s focus on donations to cultural, social and leisure initiatives and organizations that strengthen cohesion locally and regionally.

The outcome

New platform increases awareness and interest

The new identity and brand platform is illustrated and described in a combined brand and identity manual. Together with the Spar Nord Foundation, we have developed a new website that contains everything about the foundation’s purpose and work. A brand film has been produced, which has also been translated into versions for use on TV and social channels to increase awareness of the foundation’s work. A go-to-market strategy has also been drawn up, which describes the Spar Nord Foundation’s most important target groups and concrete plans and communication channels that must be used to effectively reach the target groups and drive traffic to the new website. Since the launch of the new platform, interest in the foundation’s work and donations has grown noticeably, and the expectation is that this will eventually also have a positive influence on the entire Spar Nord group.

About Spar Nord

Spar Nord Fonden is a foundation that donates to many associations and activities in Denmark within culture, social and leisure every year. Spar Nord Fonden owns 20% of Spar Nord Bank, the fifth-largest bank in Denmark.

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