Growth through brand repositioning
In Denmark and Scandinavia, Ege Carpets is a well-established brand and market leader. Outside the home markets, however, the company doesn’t hold the lead. The ambition with a new European campaign is to build a strong and distinct brand position for Ege Carpets to meet the company’s growth ambitions. The new corporate concept “Sustainable design at your feet” highlights the company’s unique strength in design and sustainability and sets a clear direction for the brand position, Ege Carpets aims to win.

How it began
One brand strategy demanded new brand story
Ege Carpets had acquired several carpet manufacturers and had worked towards consolidating and streamlining the company. As part of this process, Ege Carpets decided to follow a ‘single brand’ strategy and reached out to Kunde & Co for help with developing a brand strategy and platform as a base for growth in major European markets such as Germany, England, and France.

Developing the solution
New clear direction and brand strategy
Kunde & Co’s analysis was that Ege Carpets was on the forefront on both design and sustainability, but it was a hidden secret in the markets, where the brand position had to be improved. The marketing efforts was focused on product launches and low funnel initiatives, and too little was done to build the brand. The result: A lack of clarity around what Ege Carpets was capable of, which outside the home markets clearly was a problem. The new corporate concept “Sustainable design at your feet” express the direction for the brand position, Ege Carpets aims to win.

The outcome
Sustainability and design as brand drivers
The brand position Ege Carpets aims to win has been identified and described, and a brand platform and brand story has been created, which forms the basis for the work to win the desired position. A marketing system has also been created which ensures that the focus of the communication and marketing work is aimed at reaching the most important target groups and building the brand position. Sustainability now plays a clear role in Ege Carpets’ communication in combination with its competences as a Danish design company. This gives the company a clear position.
About Ege
In Denmark and Scandinavia, Ege Carpets is a well-established brand and market leader. Outside the home market, however, the company doesn’t hold the lead. The ambition with a new European campaign is to build a strong and distinct brand position for Ege Carpets. The new corporate concept “Sustainable design at your feet” highlights the company’s unique strength in design and sustainability and sets a clear direction for the brand position, Ege Carpets aims to win.
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Morten Knudsen