Cookie- & Privacy policy

We care about your privacy

We respect your right to data privacy – and have here listed when we process, how and to whom we transfer your personal data. All data will be processed confidentially, with highest degree of care and security measures.

Who we are:

Kunde & Co A/S is a private limited company situated at Østerfælled Torv 4, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark. Our company registration no. (CVR) is 16 70 29 43.

When do we process you data:
You can read more about our processing by clicking one of the links above.

Your rights:

You can always contact us:
• To enquire what data we process about you,
• To have data about you rectified,
• To have data about you erased,
• To have us limit our processing of your data,
• Or to withdraw your consent, if our processing is based on a consent.
In case you believe our processing of your data is infringing your rights according to applicable law you can lodge a complaint at the Danish supervisory authority – Datatilsynet.
How to contact us:
If you have any questions concerning our processing of your data, please write to us on: [email protected] or call + 45 35 44 12 00.

If you are a customer

We will store your data as long as we have commercial interest and/or obligation to store the data.
• Name
• Company name
• Company address
• Project-related information provided by you.
• Email-address (if provided by you) and communication

On our website

We process below personal data, when you visit our web site.
• IP-address
• Information about your browser, including plug-ins
• Your behaviour on our web-site
• Cookies
• Email, if you have provided this
We process your data based on a legitimate interest when you visit our website. The Data will be pro-cessed confidentially. We use third party software-providers, who will process your data on our behalf.
Some of our providers of services are established in the US, and have committed to comply with the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, so that your data is handle in accordance with EU-regulation. Some of the data will be collected by use of cookies – see paragraph about cookies below – and the data will be transferred to our 3rd party suppliers of media advertising, statistical behaviour of users and tracking of the users.
Cookies are either small text-files or pixels, that is stored on the your device, when you visit our website. The cookie makes it possible to track what part of our website your visit and which functionality you use. In below table you can see, which cookies we use and what they do.
The website use cookies provided by Apsis Lead to detect and analyze website visitors, helping us understand our audience and improve our services. Apsis Lead cookies help us track and analyze the behavior of visitors on our website. This includes identifying the companies that visit our site and understanding their interactions with our content. No individuals will be identified based on these cookies.

Statistical and behavioral cookies to map the usage of our website.

Marketing cookies is used to track visitors across multiple websites. The purpose of this tracking is to expose the visitor to relevant advertising, when visiting other websites.

When you sign up for our newsletter

We process below personal data, when you sign up for our newsletter
• Name
• Job-position
• Company name
• Company address
• Email-address
We process and store your data based on your consent to receive our newsletter. The data will be stored as long as you have signed-up for the newsletter or until we stop sending newsletters. Furthermore we will use your email to build generic profiles and monitor on a personal and statistical level the open and click-trough-rate of our newsletters. You can at all time recall your consent, by either use the link in the bottom of the latest newsletter or sending an email to [email protected].
We will store your data - as long as we have commercial interest - in our CRM-system based on legitimate interest in you as a potential customer.
Your data will be transferred to our CRM-system-provider, provider of marketing-automation system, and provider of statistical segmentation.

If you have sent us an email

We process below personal data, based on your sign up to a seminar. The data will be stored until after the seminar you have signed up for has been concluded:
• Name
• Job-position
• Company name
• Company address
• Email-address
We will store your data - as long as we have commercial interest - in our CRM-system based on legitimate interest in you as a potential customer.
Your data will be transferred to our CRM-system-provider and provider of marketing-automation system.