It is a well-known fact that the construction industry and the associated trades are in crisis. What is less well known, however, is what homeowners actually think when it comes to renovation and refurbishment. That’s why we simply asked them.
This is what 300+ German homeowners say
Kunde & Co bases all client projects on in-depth research and extensive testing. And now we have used our survey and analysis expertise for our own study because we were very interested in these questions: How are homeowners behaving during the construction crisis? What renovation and refurbishment projects are they planning and what is currently important to them?
Additionally, we also wanted to find out: Can companies adapt their strategic brand work to this situation? Do certain tools help – and can brands find their way out of the crisis and use it to their advantage?
First things first: some of the results – like the ones below – surprised us. Discover the surprising insights for yourself – fill out our contact form and receive our market study in digital form.
of 25-44 year olds are willing to pay an additional 5% for more sustainable products
of respondents say it is 'important' or 'very important' that products come from a single manufacturer
of respondents ranked brand as the most important selection criteria, ahead of quality and price
feel unsure and need information on the subject of public funding
Do you have questions about the study or a specific challenge?
We would be delighted to present our market study to you in person or discuss the challenges facing your industry based on our findings. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can be of assistance.
Your contact person

Bjørn Olsen
Country Manager Germany